2024 : Wyoming

In partnership with the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources, this year marks the 7th edition of the Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp! For this 3rd in-person edition since the effects of COVID, out of 84 applicants, 24 students and early career professionals from all over the world and from various backgrounds were selected to form the NIB2024 Cohort.  With 16 countries represented, (which is 9 more than our last domestic cohort in 2022), 33% women representation and 54% racial/ethnic minority representation.  The structure of the Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp is based each year on a 2-week intensive seminar-style workshop combined with group projects. 

Participants take courses in a wide range of topics in the mornings and work together on team design projects in the afternoons that are pitched to a panel of expert judges on the last day.

The three main objectives of the Bootcamp are:

Create an environment where participants can meet, develop connections, interact, spark their innovative ideas and build for the future.

Give these bright minds all the tools to be advocates of nuclear energy in the future, preparing them to interact with their friends, family and colleagues to tell the real facts about climate change and the place of nuclear energy in the energy mix.

Enable the participants to be agents of change, implementing innovative and efficient ideas in their careers.

NIB 2024 Schedule

NIB presenters and judges are leaders from throughout the nuclear energy sphere and related climate and energy communities and industries who expose our young and talented participants to the cross-cutting needs of clean energy development in the 21st century.

Presenters + Judges

NIB presenters and judges are leaders from throughout the nuclear energy sphere and related climate and energy communities and industries who expose our young and talented participants to the cross-cutting needs of clean energy development in the 21st century.

Todd Allen

Todd Ansemli

Melanie Armstrong

Christi Bell

Greyson Buckingham 

Rep. Don Burkhart

Travis Deti

Drew DeWalt

Leslie Dewan

Sharon Fain

Spencer Garland

Alexander Gebben

Selena Gerace

Judi Greenwald

Jason Hansen

Elizabeth Helvey

Natalie Houghtalen

Kiley Ingersoll

Kevin Jackson

Maria Jenks

Ken Khan

Sam Kidd

Christine King

Holly Krutka

Jessica Lovering

Scott Melbye

Rita Meyer

Joe Miller

Hope Morrow

Rudy Murgo

Scott, Nolan

Charles Nye

Olu Omotowa

Tara Righetti

Sean Schaub

Rachel Slaybaugh

Imogen Speer

Karen-Kim Stevens

Mary Throne

Caleb Tomlin

Nick Touran

Patrick White

Donna Wichers

Brad Williams

Fred Yapuncich


Past participants have leveraged their Bootcamp experience to make an impact within various sectors, including industry, academia, and government. Some have even gone on to secure their own funding and founded companies based on the ventures they started at the Bootcamp.

For this year’s Bootcamp, out of 84 applications received, 24 participants were selected, including students and early career professionals from all over the world and from a variety of backgrounds.

Team Design Projects :

First Place : CritiCality

CJ Cruz, Dennis Rodriguez, Destiny Howell, Esther Ollennu, Nisa Rahnuma Aziz, Thomas Viscovich

Nuclear energy plays a key part in ensuring the sustainable future of energy and yet it remains shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. Most kids have very limited to no exposure to the peaceful usage of nuclear energy which in turn affects their choice of career paths and overall understanding of nuclear technologies. CritiCality aims to change this.

Set in the control room of a nuclear reactor, this role-playing game allows the player to safely bring the reactor to criticality and not only teaches them the process of how electricity is generated from the splitting of atoms but also its role in the reduction of greenhouse effects.


Jordan Giese, Kinjal Dave, George "Lea" Booth, Maciej Sobczyk, Yu Fujiwara

Isocycle is a research-based and verified process to convert landfilled coal-fly ash (CFA) into yellowcake uranium (primarily as U3O8) for the fabrication of the nuclear fuel. The median uranium concentration in the CFA is estimated around 60 ppm in the US, 30-to-50 ppm in the EU, and roughly 80 ppm in China. The uranium recovery can be done through just a three step sequential process - mechano-magnetic separation of the paramagnetic U-bearing minerals such as monazite and xenotime, acid-leaching of the separated uranium bearing fraction, and finally the reprecipitation of the pure uranium compound via addition of the nitric acid and/or sodium hydroxide to the “yellowcake”.

NextGen Nuclear Solutions

Amy Drake, Julia Sweatman, Riccardo Villa, Turner Clarke, Ian Gilley

NextGen Nuclear Solutions responds to the demand for clean, reliable energy by channeling existing trade school and technical college students in rural areas into our fast-tracked nuclear training module. We will bring nuclear energy technical training services to rural areas, addressing both nuclear workforce and rural economic needs. We offer comprehensive, hands-on training in nuclear technology, safety protocols, and reactor operation and maintenance to equip general technical students with the specialized training they need to join the nuclear workforce. This specialized training institution would bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, ensuring graduates are ready to meet the challenges of modern nuclear energy production.

RenU - Hydrogen Solutions

Anh Nguyen, Jacob Kirby, Alberto Gil Cordevo, Simone Albanese

RenU – Hydrogen Solutions offers a groundbreaking approach to the challenge of spent nuclear fuel by enhancing the PUREX process, used for nuclear fuel reprocessing. The system employs the Aerther Cell™ to dilute wasted fuel in nitric acid and utilizes catalysts to boost hydrogen production through the radiolysis process. A secondary coolant water layer aids in heat extraction and electricity generation. Production estimates are 89.71 kg/day/ton, which means a typical PWR reactor refueling could produce approximately 22.65 tons of hydrogen daily. This system efficiently recycles nuclear waste, producing Purple Hydrogen™, electricity, and recycled nuclear fuel. It not only addresses the nuclear waste problem but also contributes to the emerging hydrogen economy.


Alexey Burbasov, Majeedoo Aljasim, Om Jagtap, Ahnaf Tahmid Chowdhury

In the rapidly evolving nuclear industry, the demand for advanced risk assessment, operational efficiency, and stringent regulatory compliance has never been greater. We present a high-fidelity, reliable AI assistant tailored to meet the multifaceted needs of stakeholders within the nuclear sector. This innovative AI system supports professionals in policy and law-making, engineering, big data assessment, education, risk assessment, research, and reactor operations, providing a comprehensive solution to enhance safety, efficiency, and informed decision-making.

Our AI assistant employs advanced Machine Learning (ML) and Large Language Models (LLM) to deliver precise, data-driven insights and recommendations. Unlike existing models that often hallucinate with complex queries and lack depth, our AI system ensures accurate, trustworthy, and reliable information tailored to the unique requirements of the nuclear industry. This reliability is achieved through rigorous training on high-quality, domain-specific datasets, including open-source and purchased data such as industry reports, safety records, and regulatory documents.


Many thanks to the NIB2024 Cohort Mentors!

We are specifically looking for experts in startups, business, nuclear technology, and innovation. We are also open to those outside of these spaces, as we believe that diverse backgrounds only enrich our participants’ experience further.

Continuous Mentors  have the larger commitment. These mentors are available on-site as a resource throughout the program for a specific team. One or two mentors will work with each team to provide consistency, perspective, and guidance over the full program. As a Continuous Mentor you will have the ability to set limited hours of interaction, but we expect this to be a more engaged experience lasting the duration of the bootcamp. Past participants consider their Continuous Mentors as one of the most useful resources throughout the program and some groups have continued working with them after the Bootcamp has ended.

Spot Mentors are virtually available to one or several teams to provide feedback on a specific issue. If you have narrow expertise or are only available for a portion of the program, we recommend becoming a Spot Mentor. We expect this participation to be largely virtual and you are free to set the parameters of availability and interaction. For example, you can choose the mode of communication you prefer and provide a set number of hours throughout the week that you are available. Please remember to keep time zones in mind! 

If you have questions or interested in applying to become a mentor,

The Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, housed within the Nuclear Innovation Alliance.  From the beginning, the Bootcamp has been committed to removing barriers to participation and nurturing a diverse mix of participants and a wide range of new ideas. To do this, NIB keeps costs very low for participants by funding lodging, meals, necessary supplies, onsite transportation, and networking events throughout our 2-week program, with 100% support from our Sponsors.  

A special thanks to our sponsors for NIB2024, with their support we were able to fulfill our no-barriers commitment along with the ability to provide travel scholarships for 37.5% of the 2024 cohort.

Various levels of support are also offered to our presenters. 

Becoming a sponsor of the Bootcamp will link your organization to the only international educational event that trains tomorrow’s nuclear innovators. As a sponsor, your branding will reach our Bootcamp participants, students and nuclear engineers at host institutions, and presenters and mentors. This is the perfect way to reach high-quality potential employees and a community leading the way in clean energy.

Check out the multiple opportunities to become a sponsor on our website.


If you would like to become a Sponsor for current/future Bootcamps